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Welcome To My Warped Little World!

Hello, my name is Stan and I live in Troy, Tennessee.

   I was born in Union City, Tennessee on September 29, (as I joking say, "Before Time Started"). I graduated from Obion County Central High School in 1980. I worked for the Union City Fire Department for 15 years, and drove a truck part-time for Day After Day Service (DADS) for the last 6 of those years. In 2002, I had a couple of strokes and am now disabled. I spend most of my time playing on the computer and talking on the radio.

   I got my first amateur radio license in December of 1991 as a Technician class with the call sign of KD4HOS. I upgraded my license to General class in April of 2004 and got the new call sign of W4KKK. I never dreamed how much fun the HF bands could be, so I have been steadily kicking myself for not having upgraded sooner. In December 2004 I upgraded again to Amateur Extra class and got my new callsign, W4RB.

   I currently have an Icom IC-756 Pro with a Heil ICM mic that I am using at home with a Carolina Windom 160 antenna at about 45'. I have a Kenwood TS-480SAT in my truck that I use mobile. I also have a Kenwood TM-V7 2m/440 mobile radio that I use as a base station on those bands, with a 6/8db. collinear antenna mounted on a 10' pole on the roof of the house. I am a member of the OMISS net and enjoy talking to everyone there at every chance I get. I am now a member of TN Army MARS. My call sign is AAR4DZ and I have really enjoyed being in MARS.

   I moved in June 2015 and have not gotten my antennas put back up. I miss talking to the old group, and hope some day to be able to get back on the air.

   In January 2011, I joined the Civil Air Patrol. The Everett-Stewart Composite Squadron, SER-TN-195, was chartered on 15Jan., 2011 with 17 members. On 11Aug., 2014 I was promoted to Unit Commander. This has been a challenging job, but something I enjoy.

   There are some people who I would like to thank for all the help they have given me with my radio, antenna, and computer.

My Daughter, Heather, Who has helped me study for my test, and helped with my code practice, and had confidence in me and pushed me to succeed and make it this far. NEWS FLASH Heather now has her Technician Class Amateur License and the callsign of N4SIS! I am VERY proud of her.

Ray Morris, N4SLY,  who helped with understanding my radio, and who put up my antenna.

Alan McClain, KA4BNI, who gave me some very valuable information about amateur radio and ARES.

Britt McClain, KB4IBW, who helped me program my radio and understand the mistake I had been making.

Terry Lewis, KC4YLK, who helped with programming my radio, and giving me information about amateur radio.

Lee Bennett, N4ABU, who gave me information on amateur radio and HF nets.

Jere Cook, WA4YOK, who is the one that first got me interested in amateur radio and helped me get my first license. (Now you know who to blame!)

Too Many Others To Name who have given me help and information on local radio repeaters, nets, and other information.

To ALL Of These, And All The Others Who Have Helped Me, I would like to say a great BIG

Thank You!


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This site was last updated 09/09/11